50 reasons why you must visit North Cyprus

Northern Cyprus has been one of the most popular countries among tourists around the world in recent years. This country, which is actually an island in the Mediterranean Sea, has a very rich history and culture and hospitable people. Its ancient history and the arrival of different ethnic groups in this country have made us witness many historical monuments in this country. Very beautiful churches with special architecture and mysterious castles are among the buildings that have been noticed in the world. The food of this country is also very delicious and has many fans. If you are planning to travel to this country, it is good to get to know all its tourist attractions first. In this article, we have tried to mention 50 reasons for traveling to North Cyprus. Stay with us until the end.

50 reasons why you must visit North Cyprus

North Cyprus has become a destination for many tourists from all over the world. This country has a rich history and a very pristine and beautiful nature. In the rest of this article, we have mentioned 50 reasons for traveling to North Cyprus.

1. The Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque: In the past, this mosque was called St. Nicholas Church, which was established in 1298. The architecture of this building is one of the most special architectures of its era. This church was converted into a mosque by Muslims in 1571. Its name was also changed from St. Nicholas Church to Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque. It is interesting to know that the oldest tree of the island is in the yard of this mosque. This fig tree was planted in 1298 and is now 15 meters high.

2. The Great Khan Caravanserai: This caravanserai, which is located in the city of Lefkosha, is considered one of the most important historical monuments of Northern Cyprus. This caravanserai was built between 1572 and 1579. The total number of rooms in the large caravanserai was 68, the lower rooms were used as shops and the rooms on the upper floor were used as guesthouses or hotels. This caravanserai is now used as one of the tourist attractions of North Cyprus and all kinds of souvenirs are sold in it.

3. The Girne Harbor: The port of Kyrenia, which is considered one of the most important ports in Cyprus, is shaped like a horseshoe and is located in the center of this city. The presence of colorful fishing and recreational boats has given this port a special beauty. This port was used as one of the important trade centers until recent years.

4. The Historical Lefkosa Houses: The walled city of Lefkosha has a rich history. The attractive historical houses of this city with wooden doors and windows in the narrow streets are very attractive for tourists.

5. The Kantara Castel: This castle is located in the heights of Kyrenia and is about 700 meters from the sea level. It was built in the past as one of the strategic war points by the Byzantines along the Kyrenia mountains and it is said that it was built in the 10th century as a place for a guard post against the Arabs.

6. The Girne Gate: Girne Gate is one of the three gates built to protect Lefkosha. This gate is located in the northern part of Lefkosha city walls. In 1821, the Ottomans rebuilt it and added a dome-shaped room above the gate. Today, this room is used as an information room for tourists.

7. The Girne Castel and the Shipwreck Museum: Girne Castle, which is one of the amazing historical monuments of Cyprus, is known as the symbol of this city. The square structure of this castle has undergone many changes throughout history. It is said that the ship located next to this castle was built in the 3rd century BC. This ship is one of the oldest merchant ships that has been restored from under the sea.

8. The Ancient City of Salamis: According to legends, Toser, one of the heroes of the Trojan War, founded this city in the 11th century BC. This city was discovered in an excavation operation between 1952 and 1974. The ruins of the stadium, bathhouse, fountain, market, etc., have now become an attractive place for tourists from all over the world to visit.

9. The Othello Castel: Othello Castle is located in the heart of Famagusta. Henry Lucian, King of Cyprus, ordered the construction of this fort in the early 14th century in order to protect the port. The name of this castle originates from Shakespeare’s Athello. In this play, Shakespeare mentions the port and fortress in Cyprus.

10. The Selimiye Mosque: Selimiye Mosque, which is located in Nicosia, is one of the most beautiful mosques in this country. This building was built by the order of Sultan Salim, the son of Sultan Suleiman between 1208 and 1326. After the Ottomans entered Cyprus, this building became a mosque for Muslims.

11. The Ancient City of Soli: The historical city of Soli was formed in the 6th century BC on the island of Cyprus. This city, which was one of the ten original cities of this island, was deserted after the Arab attack.

12. The Vouni Palace: This building was built in 500 BC to control the city of Soli. This palace burned down years later. In general, its building consists of 137 rooms and is located on top of a hill in the east of Soli city.

13. St. Hilarion Castle (St. Hilarion Castel): Saint Hilarion Castle near Kyrenia was built around the 10th century. This fort is located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. It is interesting to know that in the middle of the 10th century, after a priest named St. Hilarion entered this castle, a church was added to it and its name was also changed. It might be interesting for you to know that the Walt Disney Company got the idea for the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs from this castle.

14. St. Mamas Church and Monastery: St. Mamas Monastery, which is located in Guzel Yurt area, was built by the Byzantines. There are many stories about St. Mamas, but most people believe that St. Mamas was a Christian resident of the area. Today, this monastery is open to visitors as a museum.

15. Blue House or Mavi Kosh: The Blue House was built in 1957 by Byron Pavlides, a Greek Cypriot entrepreneur. This house is known as the mafia house. There are rumors that secret underground passages and rooms were built to hide contraband and contraband weapons.

16. St. Barnabas Monastery: Saint Barnabas Monastery was built in memory of Saint Barnabas, who was from a Jewish family. After he went to Jur al-Salaam region, he became a Christian and when he returned to Cyprus, he started promoting Christianity. This monastery includes the church, the courtyard, the monastery rooms and the chapel where the tomb of St. Barnabas is located. This monastery has a very beautiful view that has attracted the attention of all visitors.

17. Dervis Pasha Mansion: The owner of Darvish Pasha mansion, as its name suggests, was Darvish Pasha. He lived in the 19th century and was the publisher of the first Turkish newspaper in Cyprus. This mansion was located in the heart of Lefkosha and today it is open to the public as an ethnographic museum.

18. Bufavento Castle: Buffonto Castle is located in the Five Finger Mountains east of Kyrenia. The name of this castle means fighting the wind, because the area where it is located is exposed to almost strong winds. When you are in the castle, you will have a beautiful view of the city of Lefkosha from the south side.

19. The Mevlevi Tekke: Molvi’s stronghold is located south of Girne Gate in Lefkosha. This support is considered one of the oldest and most important historical buildings in Cyprus. It is said that the Molavi sect entered Cyprus during the Ottoman war. Now this building, which houses the tombs of 16 important people of this sect, is open to the public as a museum. It might be interesting to you that the sentence, or Hazrat Rumi, is written in Persian on the door of this takay.

20. The Bellapais Abbey: Bapais Monastery is located on the slopes of the Five Fingers Mountain in the east of Kyrenia. This monastery has attracted tourists from all over the world with its attractive Gothic architectural style. English writer Laurence Burrell, who lived near this monastery, mentioned the name of this monastery in his book Bitter Lemons. Today, this writer’s house is also visited by visitors.

21. Golden Beach: The golden dream beach is one of the most untouched beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. The golden sands and clear blue water of this 2 km long beach in Karpaz dazzles the eyes of every viewer. Throughout this beach you can walk with bare feet and swim in its clear and clean waters.

22. Besparmak Peak: The five-fingered mountains stretch for about 160 kilometers along the northern borders of Cyprus. The finger-like protrusion of this mountain’s peak in the east of Kyrenia caused it to be named five-fingered mountains. There are many stories about this mountain. One of the most famous of them is: Two young men who fell in love with a girl duel each other in this mountain. One of them is killed. The successful young man throws the corpse into the marsh, but his hands remain outside and eventually turn to stone.

23. Migratory and Endemic Bird Species: The geographical location of Northern Cyprus has made it a suitable place for European and African migratory birds. Of course, let’s add that many attractive birds are native to this area and live in this place all year round.

24. Sea Turtles: The island of Cyprus has been home to giant sea turtles and green turtles for millions of years. These turtles come to the beaches of Northern Cyprus every year to breed and lay eggs. Golden Beach, Saha Alagadi and Ronas Beach in Karpaz are the usual destinations of these turtles.

25. Endemic Plants: It is interesting to know that one of the reasons for traveling to North Cyprus for many botanists is the presence of native plants of this island. This area has about 1900 species of plants. Almost 1600 types of these plants are found in North Cyprus. It is interesting to know that 120 plant species of this island are unique to this region.

26. Cyprus Donkeys: It might be interesting for you to know that donkeys have been one of the reasons for traveling to North Cyprus since the past. These donkeys are always considered as one of the symbols of Cyprus. Unfortunately, like many other animals in the world, Cypriot donkeys are at risk of extinction.

27. Historical trees (Monumental Trees): It is said that many of the olive trees in Guzel Yurt region are more than a thousand years old. This area has been protected in recent years. Scientists have announced that the country of Cyprus was the main origin of the spread of the olive tree in the Mediterranean region.

28. Karpaz Peninsula: Karpaz peninsula with its very beautiful and historical logic is one of the most pristine areas of Northern Cyprus.

29. Baf Chewing Gum: Cypriot beef gum is completely natural and is obtained from the gum of a special tree in this country. This gum has its own fans among the natives as well as the tourists of the region.

30. Hellim: Helim is a type of local cheese from Cyprus, which is generally made with sheep or goat milk. This cheese can be eaten raw with breakfast, grilled or fried in a pan. A local sweet is also prepared using this cheese, which has many fans.

31. Local Kebab (Traditional Kebab): This traditional Cypriot kebab is one of the most popular local dishes of this country. This kebab is mainly prepared from the meat of young goats.

32. Ekmek Kadayf: Ekmek Kadaif is a kind of dessert that has many fans. This dessert is prepared with two layers of special bread filled with cheese and special syrup.

33. The Cyrpus Patatoe: The potato found in Cyprus is one of the most famous potatoes in Europe. This potato is served with chicken and meat and has many fans.

34. Pirohu: Piroho is another popular dish in Cyprus. This dessert is actually a mixture of special cheese and dry mint, and some Helim cheese is placed on it at the end after cooking.

35. The Traditional Seles Baskets: These wicker baskets, which are woven from wheat stalks, are used as kitchen utensils. Of course, baskets made of bamboo wood are also woven in this country, which are stronger. These baskets are very popular among tourists as souvenirs of this country.

36. Pastry Dishes And Pies: Sweets have a special place in Cyprus. Of course, they underwent changes over the years with the arrival of different cultures in this country.

37. Mezes: One of the most interesting things you will see in the restaurants of North Cyprus are the flavors. In fact, a variety of hot and cold foods are served as appetizers. The taste, aroma and color of these dishes will win the heart of every viewer.

38. Seftali Kebap: This dish is actually a type of sausage made with a combination of sheep and goat meat. These meats are combined with special herbs and spices and rolled in a thin layer of fat.

39. Babutsa: Razor pear or Babutsa is actually the fruit of the cactus plant. This fruit is naturally found in certain areas of Northern Cyprus.

40. Embroidery (Lefkara Embroidery): The special embroidery of North Cyprus has been very popular since the past. This art dates back to the 14th century and today it is one of the popular souvenirs of tourists.

41. Molehiya: This dish is prepared with fresh and dry leaves of the tree. The history of this dish goes back to the Arabs.

42. Zivanya: Arg is native to Cyprus and has many fans.

43. Green walnut with nectar (Ceviz Macunu): This dish is one of the most popular Turkish dishes in Northern Cyprus. The natives of this country keep fresh walnuts in water for a week and then put almonds and cloves in the middle and add the prepared nectar to it. This sweet is usually served with coffee.

44. The Coffee Culture: Family ties have a special place in North Cyprus. The custom of serving coffee is one of the important customs that is considered in these family ceremonies. Of course, coffee fortune telling is also very common.

45. Golf: The mild climate of Cyprus makes it a good place to play golf. Nowadays, with the expansion of the facilities of this game in North Cyprus, many tourists travel to it for this purpose.

46. ​​Yachting: One of the entertainments and tourist attractions of North Cyprus is boating in the ports of this country.

47. Trekking: The mild climate of Northern Cyprus makes it possible to take long walks all year round. Five-fingered mountains are one of the most popular places for tourists to walk; Because along the way, they can also visit different historical monuments.

48. Paragliding: Between the months of April and October, tourists can use paragliders over the Mediterranean Sea.

49. Casino: If you enjoy trying your luck, North Cyprus has high quality casinos that are popular with many tourists.

50. Diving: The warm and clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea in Northern Cyprus are the best places for swimming and diving. The necessary facilities are available to the public in this country.

Frequently asked questions about traveling to Northern Cyprus

If you are planning to travel to North Cyprus, you will definitely find your important item among the 50 reasons for traveling to North Cyprus. We have answered your most important question in this regard.

What are the reasons for traveling to North Cyprus?

The most important reasons for traveling to North Cyprus can be considered the pristine nature, rich history, attractive monuments, water sports and the tranquility of this country.

final word

The country of North Cyprus, which is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, has become a travel destination for many people around the world today. One of the most important reasons for traveling to North Cyprus is its rich history, exciting water sports, pristine nature, silence and peace of this country, delicious food, etc. If you are planning to travel to this country, it is better to be sure about the weather and facilities of the country first of all, so that you can enjoy your trip the most.

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